Coming to Australia

The best measure of a man’s honesty isn’t his income tax return. It’s the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.

Arthur C. Clarke

Whether you are coming to Australia on a temporary or permanent basis, you will need to pay taxes if earn income in Australia.  You may also have a worldwide tax obligation to report your overseas income. At the same, your U.S. tax obligations continue.

  1. Australia has entered into a Double Tax Agreement (DTA) with a number of countries, including the United States, for the purpose of:
    • Australia has entered into a Double Tax Agreement (DTA) with a number of countries, including the United States, for the purpose of:
    • Determining which country has the right to tax income types or gains.
    • Determining which country has the right to tax income types or gains.
    • Restricting withholding tax applicable in one country when certain types of income are paid to residents of the other country.
    • Determining which country an individual is a tax resident of when both countries claim that the individual is a resident of their countries.
    • DTAs generally prevail over domestic law in both countries in respect of income subject to the DTA.
  2. Permanent residents are subject on their world-wide income including your annuities, pensions and superannuation’s from previous countries
  3. As an Australian resident, any income or capital gains you make from your overseas properties is generally taxable in Australia. It must be declared in your Australian tax return. If you have paid tax in another country on that income or gain, you may be entitled to a foreign income tax offset.

USTaxCentral Australia has a team that provides reliable technical expertise on cross-border matters between the U.S. and Australia.